What is the difference between The Bars and a Reiki treatment?
The Bars is a modality that removes blocked energy out of the body while Reiki is a modality that delivers energy into the body. While both have the ability to clear negative energy and induce a state of relaxation they are delivered in a slightly different manner.
Delivery Method for The Bars
A client receiving The Bars lies on a massage table, fully clothed, while the Practitioner gently touches a variety of points on their head. A session typically lasts approximately 75 minutes and must be delivered in person. Music is not played while you are having your Bars run as it shuts down the effectiveness of the session. Unlike talk therapy, the practitioner does not have to know the client’s personal issues; however clients have noticed that talking through an The Bars session can be an effective catalyst for clearing and releasing. It is most effective to enter a session without an expectation of how the session will go.
Delivery Method for Reiki
A client receiving Reiki lies on a massage table, fully clothed, while the Practitioner gently places their hands on the client’s legs, head and upper body. Practitioners do vary in how they deliver Reiki, however a session typically lasts an hour and is equally effective delivered in person or remotely. While you are able to talk during a Reiki session it is recommended that the client lie quietly and listen to the music playing softly in the background. One of the intentions of a Reiki session is to quiet the mind and encourage a state of relaxation. It is most effective to enter a session without an expectation of how the session will go.

How Often Should you Book a Session
Energy work is much like going to the gym, the more regularly you engage in the process the more effective the sessions can be. Energy work is best described as an onion, with many layers and the more layers you clear the more freedom you experience. The intention is for healing, for any living thing, and as a result is able to target challenged areas in priority sequence. Much like chiropractic care life is not static and you will experience bumps and jars that can push you out of alignment. Having a mind shift is as healthy and beneficial for your health as a physical adjustment. Your experience will be different every time. The first session usually has the biggest “WOW” factor because you have entered into the session without an expectation of outcome.
Reiki and The Bars are guided by spiritual consciousness and as a result can do no harm. Both modalities facilitate change in all areas of your life and a more willingness to live from conscious awareness. To be present in the moment. The best way to know if The Bars or Reiki are for you is to try them. The most common response is a feeling of total relaxation, while others have noticed remarkable shifts in their life experiences.
You can book both a Bars and Reiki session here at the Wellness Centre Port Stephens www.wellnesscentreportstephens.com.au/our-services/ or phone 02 4982 2801.