Want to bring balance into your life… mind body and soul?

by Naomi Davies

Energy healings are an effective way of bringing about this harmony and balance in all areas of our bodies and our life.

We all have energy that surrounds and moves in and throughout our body. The main energy sources people have heard of are the aura, the chakras and the meridian lines. We cannot create or destroy this energy, but we can transmute or change it. When we feel drained or run down this can be due to blockages somewhere in our energy field. These blockages can lead to disharmony in the body as stress or emotional imbalance or eventually ‘dis’ease in the physical body.

When our energy is centred and aligned it promotes balance in the mind, body and soul, creating feelings of peace, clarity and wellbeing.

I use two different forms of energy healing to help shift old, stagnate energy.

The first is Reiki. This non-invasive natural healing therapy helps balance the human energy system, assisting the body in repairing itself. A session consists of the client lying fully clothed on the table and I channel Divine Reiki energy through me and onto the client. All the client has to do is be open to receiving this Divine energy. The client may experience tingling, heat or the feeling of energy moving through the body. Every experience is different, depending on what the person is needing to shift.

Kwan Yin Chakra Balancing is another form of energy healing I offer. As the name states; this healing is directed more at the 7 main energy centres, or chakras, in the body. Using affirmations, sound and visualisation I first work on the back on the body clearing away old stagnate energy from the past and then work on the front of the body where I focus on the future and setting your intentions.

Naomi practices from the Wellness Centre every Monday and as of April; every third Saturday morning of the month.

Naomi’s sessions are $90 for one hour and you can book using button below or contact Naomi direct to find out more, on 0412 574 942 or email: [email protected]