So What Is: Kinesiology?

By Geraldine Zadkiel

Kinesiology – a way forward, free from pain….

Physical Pain (Back, Neck, Shoulder, Knee, Injury or from Surgery) Emotional Pain (Anxiety, Depression, BiPolar) Mental Pain (Overthinking, Insomnia)

Kinesiology uses chiropractic muscle testing to access information from the subconscious to identify the causes of disharmony you are experiencing.  Various kinesiology techniques are then used to change the patterns and in turn activating your body’s own healing processes. The physical body has an innate way to heal itself, the same principles apply to the emotional body. We believe they are linked together therefore to heal from a physical issue or an emotional issue you need to integrate healing on all levels.

Remember the old saying “continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome…….” if your current lifestyle, diet, emotional stresses etc has created an illness or disease then continuing to do the same things each day and expecting your body to heal itself under these conditions, makes it near impossible for a different outcome to be available to you. However if you change the patterns on a subconscious level and make some conscious  changes to create balance in your life then it can be easy for the body to heal.

Your practitioner Geraldine Zadkiel is deeply passionate about working with emotions and healing past trauma on all levels, specifically childhood abuse and trauma. She understands and knows the subconscious and has over 10 years experience in clearing subconscious patterns and emotional mental beliefs systems causing disharmony.

If you would like to discuss how kinesiology could be of benefit to you please call Geraldine Zadkiel on 0418 336 482, she is happy to answer any questions you may have. Or book now using the button below.