So What Is: Kwan Yin Energy Balancing?

Kwan Yin
The Goddess Kwan Yin is the Mother of compassion and is the representation of the female principal of creation and appears to those in times of spiritual crisis and suffering.
Kwan Yin directs healing energy with the use of the ‘Violet Flame’.
Chakra and Energy Balancing is a vibrational system of bringing the body back into balance to enhance quality of life and wellness.
It incorporates an understanding of how energy flows in the body and when blockages exist; imbalances develop- this includes emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
When there is an understanding of imbalance and acceptance, deep clearing and balancing can occur.
This system of balancing the body is inspired by the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin.
A session of Kwan Yin Energy balancing works on the seven major Chakras in our body. These chakras are connected to the Endocrine System and are the direct interface between the physical and spiritual bodies.
We start by working on the back of the body- this is helping to release any blockages we hold in or about our past on an energetic level. We then move onto the front of the body where we focus the present and our intentions for the future.

Singing Bowls
During the session Naomi uses guided visualisation, sound through the use of singing bowls, bells and chimes, and affirmations to help shift blockages and create new vibrations within the body.
Some of the benefits of Chakra balancing can be; increased energy, deep connection to self and spirit, when we are balanced- our lives are balanced, aids the body in self healing, removed bad energy stored in the body, and allows you to express and release emotions in a healthy manner.
Chakra balancing is good for our over all health and wellbeing and can benefit soul at any stage of life.
You will find Naomi at Wellness Centre Port Stephens every Monday offering Kwan Yin Energy Balancing and Reiki.