In The Spotlight: Linda Turner PLUS Beauty Special
Meet Linda (if you haven’t already done so). Linda is incredibly passionate about improving your skin… and that’s why she’s been doing this for 38 years.
“I find it both challenging and rewarding” says Linda. “I change lives, not just skin. There’s no better feeling when someone comes to me with acne (stressed, lack of confidence, wants to hide from the world), and I sit with them in a consultation and agree on a plan to change their life!”
Linda is presenting at our April Wellness Workshop, teaching you about how your skin functions and its relationship to your gut. if you’d like to delay the ageing process, repair sun damage, look years younger, repair sensitive, broken capillaries or rosacea, please come along and learn how to!
Some of Linda’s other specialities include IPL (permanent hair removal), eye makeovers (lash n brow tint and wax), waxing and medi pedis (dissolving away thick callous on feet).
For those of you who have not met Linda yet, here’s an introductory offer to allow you to experience for yourself:
Here’s what one of Linda’s recent clients had to say about her experience

Performance facial with brow makeover, medi pedi and IPL hair removal (1 small area – underarms, chin, or bikini line).
ALL FOR $159.00 SAVE $59.00
Now is the time to start your IPL as you need 6 months to be hair free!
Offer expires 8/4/18