Your Body Is A Thing Of Magnificence!
by Gráinne Myles
Not only does it take where you need to go, it constantly rebuilds, restores, replenishes and rejuvenates itself to allow you to function, to live – and it does so without you even thinking about it.
Within you lies a powerful, unseen life force, that flows through your physical body, nourishing your cells and organs along the way, all the while maintaining your overall health, vitality, and wellness.
When this life force gets disturbed, weakened, or blocked, the organs and tissues in the body can become affected, thereby restricting their function, and possibly causing adverse health issues.
Fortunately, there is a highly powerful way of harnessing this life force energy, maximizing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s called Reiki.
Rei = universal, Ki = life force energy.
Reiki is a natural way to balance the body’s energy, thereby increasing its ability to heal itself on all levels. In Reiki, energy is channelled through the hands and can be felt as a sensation of either warmth or coolness when it is received. It empowers the receiver to take the next step in their growth and development, which is usually to redress energy imbalances and activate natural repair mechanisms (and seek assistance from health care professionals if needed).
Reiki Practitioners are channels for this life force energy and once the blocked energy field has been cleared, it will flow naturally, restoring normal function.
Reiki can also help reduce stress and induce deep relaxation, ease the pain of chronic illness, accelerate the recovery period after surgery, treat emotional disorders, depression, anxiety, insomnia as well as treat common health problems such as headaches, toothaches, allergies and injuries.
To book your Reiki session with me, I am available Tuesday mornings and would love to share this therapy with you.